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Robotic process automation (RPA) is a powerful and emerging technology that streamlines and standardizes many human user processes. The powerful credentials used by both the software robots and the administrators managing them provide access to an organization’s most critical assets and resources. Join us to learn about the methods you can employ to proactively secure, protect and monitor privileged credentials in RPA non-human user entities that mirror human entitlements. 

Key points to be covered include:
  • An introduction to RPA and its benefits
  • How to approach a defense-in-depth strategy for privileged credentials used by bots and humans
  • How to implement a seamless, out-of-box integration with BluePrism
  • Best practices from customer deployments
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  • Kevin Ross, Global Corporate Solutions Engineer for CyberArk
  • Ryan Matuszewski, Developer Consultant, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange